Robert B. Lay, Fire Chief
Public Safety Building
181 Main St
Groveland, MA 01834
For Immediate Release
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016
Contact: John Guilfoil
Phone: 617-993-0003
Groveland Fire Department Invites Community to Attend Annual Turkey Night
GROVELAND – Chief Robert Lay would like to invite residents to attend the Groveland Fire Department’s annual Turkey Night, where 50 turkeys will be raffled off, along with several other food items and prizes.
Friday, Nov. 18 at 7 p.m.
Groveland Fire Station, 181 Main St.
Fifty turkeys will be up for grabs during the annual Turkey Night.
Firefighters will sell 100 numbered raffle tickets per turkey, each for 50 cents. The ticket that matches the number chosen on a spinning wheel, wins.
Residents will also have the chance to win pies, gift certificates from local merchants and a complete turkey dinner through the free door prize. Additionally, 300 tickets will be sold for $10 for the cash raffle — with prizes including $500, $300 and $100. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Groveland Firefighters Association to assist with offsetting expenses throughout the year.
“This is a great community event that helps our town’s firefighters,” Chief Lay said. “We encourage residents to come out and enjoy the fun. Who knows, you may end up leaving with a free turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner.”
Attendees are also encouraged to bring canned and non-perishable food items to benefit the Lazarus House Ministries in Lawrence.